TRACe is an auditor's Workbench based on ISO standards. By using TRACe, auditors are automatically complying with the standard Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology promoted by ISO Standards. TRACe is designed to be flexible to enable auditors to define, plan and execute audits that cover different domains.
TRACe is not industry specific and can be used across any business segment by defining appropriate Audit universe. Addresses the computing needs of vertical segment of audit professionals.
It covers the complete life cycle of Risk, Compliance and Audit activities, from the audit planning stage to generating the final audit report. System has security functionalities including automatic logging of crucial audit activities ensures the creation and maintenance of an accurate log of audit related activities.
TRACe is web based and can be accessed from anywhere using a browser, allowing auditor’s access to the system even when on the road or visiting an auditee.
TRACe is built by using EDICT-Digital office framework and provides seamless integration with MS-Office, open office and supports integrated document management and workflow at every phase of an audit.
Facility to maintain Reference library of Documents, publications, guidelines and other such documents.
Product is available in two versions - Customizable enterprise version and Standard product for practicing auditors.
Click here to Download TRACe Brochure
Click here to Download TRACe-Pa Brochure